Tuesday, 5 March 2013

A - Z Challenge 2013

It's already that time of year again! I can't believe that April is just around the corner and many of you already know what that means... 

The A - Z challenge is quite simple: Write a post every day (except for on Sundays) and begin each one with a different letter of the alphabet. 

Last year I did the A - Z of all things Nordic. Now, I need your help here. Please please could you take a moment to follow this link and see whether you can see my A - Z from April 2012? Please just leave me a quick comment to let me know. Since I changed the title of my blog it seems that not everyone can reach my older posts that were written under the old name. So let me know if you can see those posts, or whether they've been lost. 

If you can see them, then I'll see what I can come up with for this year's challenge. But if not, I still have the drafts saved and, even though it's a little sneaky, I will repost them each day for the month. (And, if you're lucky, a little something extra too!)

So that's my task for you my dears! Now click here and sign up for the challenge! It's really good fun and you get to meet so many wonderful people! Some of my dearest blogging friends were met during this challenge. It's really such a wonderful experience! 

the little nordic cabin


  1. Hey, Nikki, I can see last year's A-Z by clicking on your link. I will be joining this year for the second time but I haven't linked up yet.

  2. The link works for me!

  3. I can see them. Glad you're on board for another Challenge.

  4. I can see them. I'm glad to see you'll be doing the challenge. I will be, too. Now to think of a theme... ☺

  5. hey there, i can see last year's posts here in USA. Glad you will be joining the A-Z... me too! Just paying a little visit to say hi and to connect.

  6. I can see them too! Glad to hear you'll be doing A-Z again, as that's how I found you :)

  7. I can see them! I'll be looking forward to your A-Z this year. :)

  8. Yay! That means all my old posts didn't get lost! Great news, thank you all :) Now I have to come up with a theme... :D

  9. It works!

    Are you going to go with one topic this year? I am trying to think of something but it is just not happening!

  10. It works! I will take a read of some of the ones I missed. I want to sign up, but how to think of something for every letter?!

  11. I can see last year's! I'm Nordic - Swedish. Mom is American, Dad is full Swede. They're going to be sharing their love story at the end of March in preparation for my series called "Adventures in America" about when we moved to the US in 1974. Last year I did Swedish lessons. A word or two a day, a picture from my childhood and a memory. This will be similar, but no pesky (well, some thought they were pesky, but gee, they kept coming back...) words to learn. I hope you visit since though we'll now be living in America, what my main purpose is to show the cultural differences, so you'll get plenty of Sweden. I'd love to read all of last year's series, but as a co-host, I won't have time until the Challenge is over. I'm glad you're on board! A warm welcome to you.

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
